We present a concept of social enterprise/social entrepreneurship based in Mollo, Timor and utilize the natural and cultural potential for economic improvement as well as the empowerment of local communities, particularly young people. Our focus includes literacy, art-culture and the creative economy. This project involves the youth community, village library as a center for arts and culture, homestay and creative economy. It is located in Jl. Kampung Baru, No. 2, Village of Taeftob, District of North Mollo, South Central Timor, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia 85552. Telp./Whatsapp 081338037075. E-mail: lakoat.kujawas@gmail.com.

Senin, 13 Juni 2016

The Call from Mollo

Welcome to lakoat.kujawas,

This is an idea of collaborative working which is open to everyone. Yes! Whoever you are! This idea comes from North Mollo, Timor Tengah Selatan, NTT.

Born from the heart of Mollo, heart of the mountain people who for their entire life carry the supposedly noble task of protecting the forests, mountains and springs. Keeping (preserving) their batunama (fatukanaf) and airnama (oekanaf). It means, they named and give the character to the stone and spring according to their clan or family name. 

Why lakoat.kujawas? Lakoat (loquat) and kujawas (guava) are the representations of the natural resources of Mollo. Both plants are close to the childhood memory of the people of Mollo. These plants are usually available at any garden of all people in Mollo. Quietly grown, close to the eyes, remain in memory.

Inspired by the spirit of mutual cooperation, collaboration and connectivity that has been framed beautifully in the form of rhombus, a pattern woven on the woven fabric of the Mollo people, from generation to generation, we offer this platform, a space for discussion and collaboration, especially in the field of literacy, art, culture and social enterprise. We have all seen a lot of natural and cultural potential, we also look at the various deficiencies and backwardness, then in this space named lakoat.kujawas, all forms of ideas and solutions may be realized together, especially in those fields mentioned earlier. We can because we are together, can’t we?

In near future, lakoat.kujawas will be opening a space for discussion for anyone, who lives either in Mollo or Timor Tengah Selatan, and even outside of those two areas, who has love and concern for Mollo in particular and Timor Tengah Selatan in general. We will open up a simple library in Jalan Kampung Baru, in the village of Taeftob, North Mollo that can be accessed by anyone and we will also open collaborative working opportunities of social entrepreneurship among the young people in Mollo, for example by selling the refined products of agricultural/plantation, woven fabrics and other products that have more economic value. We also envision an idea of the village-based tourism management in Mollo in which the people of Mollo can get involved actively as hosts. It is the era of the internet that makes it all possible, right?

There are certainly sundry of ideas that we can achieve in the future. For example, having inspiring classes, doing various kinds of workshops for SMEs and organic farming, art shows and film screening, and so forth. All those activities are hoped to spread positive influence to the younger generation of Mollo and Timor Tengah Selatan.

For further discussion and sharing, please send email to lakoat.kujawas@gmail.com, Whatsapp-081338037075, Facebook fanpage: lakoat.kujawas, Twitter: @lakoatkujawas, and Instagram: @ lakoat.kujawas. Anyone who wants to donate books to the library of lakoat.kujawas, please contact the Whatsapp number above.

Greetings from the village of Taeftob, in the valley of Mollo...

Selamat datang di lakoat.kujawas,
Ini adalah sebuah ide kerja kolaborasi yang terbuka bagi siapa saja. Ya, siapapun Anda. Ide ini lahir di Mollo Utara, Timor Tengah Selatan, NTT. Lahir dari rahim Mollo, rahim orang-orang gunung yang seumur hidupnya konon punya tugas mulia menjaga hutan, gunung dan mataair. Menjaga batunama (fatukanaf) dan airnama (oekanaf) mereka.
Mengapa lakoat.kujawas? Lakoat (loquat) dan kujawas (guava) adalah representasi dari kekayaan alam Mollo. Keduanya tumbuhan yang dekat dengan memori masa kecil orang Mollo, tumbuhan yang umumnya ada di setiap kebun orang Mollo. Diam-diam tumbuh, dekat di mata, lekat di ingatan.
Terinspirasi dari semangat gotong royong, kolaborasi dan konektivitas yang telah terbingkai indah dalam dalam bentuk motif belah ketupat dalam kain tenun orang Mollo dari generasi ke generasi, kami menawarkan platform ini, sebuah ruang diskusi dan kerja kolaborasi khususnya di bidang literasi, kesenian, kebudayaan dan sosial enterprise. Kita semua melihat banyak potensi alam dan budaya, kita juga melihat berbagai kekurangan dan ketertinggalan, maka di ruang bernama lakoat.kujawas ini, segala bentuk ide dan solusi semoga bisa direalisasikan secara bersama-sama khususnya di bidang-bidang tadi . Katong bisa karena ada samsama to?
Dalam jangka pendek ini lakoat.kujawas membuka ruang diskusi bagi siapa saja baik yang berdominsili di Mollo atau TTS maupun di luar kedua wilayah ini, yang cinta dan peduli pada Mollo khususnya dan TTS pada umumnya. Kami akan membuka sebuah ruang perpustakaan sederhana di Jalan Kampung Baru, desa Taeftob, Mollo Utara yang bisa diakses oleh siapa saja dan membuka kesempatan kolaborasi kewirausahaan sosial antara kaum muda Mollo, misalnya dengan menjual produk olahan pertanian/perkebunan, kain tenun dan sebagainya yang mempunya nilai ekonomi lebih. Kami juga sedang memimpikan sebuah ide tentang pengelolaan pariwisata Mollo berbasis desa wisata yang bisa melibatkan penduduk Mollo secara aktif sebagai host. Di era internet ini, semua mimpi bisa kita wujudkan bersama-sama, bukan?
Tentu ada banyak mimpi ke depan yang bisa kita wujudkan bersama di Mollo seperti kelas-kelas inspirasi, berbagai workshop UKM hingga pertanian organik, pertunjukan seni, pemutaran film, dll yang besar harapannya mampu memberikan pengaruh positif bagi generasi muda Mollo dan Timor Tengah Selatan.
Untuk diskusi dan sharing lebih lanjut terbuka di lakoat.kujawas@gmail.com, Whatsapp 081338037075, fanpage Facebook: lakoat.kujawas, Twitter: @lakoatkujawas, dan Instagram: @lakoat.kujawas. Donasi buku bacaan untuk perpustakaan lakoat.kujawas silakan kontak nomor whatsapp di atas.

Salam dari desa Taeftob, lembah Mollo...

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